Last night after much mind numbing debate- sorry babe- we decided to just stop looking for a house until I go back to work. We have ample saved for a down payment on a "dump house" as we like to call them, but not ample saved to deal with the fixes and fuel costs associated with said crapper. So we shall be happy with what we have and deal with the nosey neighbors and reduced amount of space. The house hunt was exhausting too. Holy man- I would have to haul Bright around from place to place, hope that he wasn't going to decided to lunge or arch out of my arms while walking down unfamiliar basement steps, hope for no repeat performance of the poo dance we had going a few days ago right before another showing, etc. Plus there was the loss of sleep from worrying about whether or not it was the right thing or being all jazzed up about the so called dream house I had seen. I haven't slept this poorly in months. So nuts to that! We'll stay here and enjoy the lake this summer and Andy can walk to work still while gas prices soar. We have decided to spend some of our George Bush Stimulus package cashola a bit early and just buy stuff to organize our lives instead. Now if only we could just have Bright give us a bit of peace to do that. Life was so much easier before he figured out how to walk. Now he is tall enough to swipe things off the table and counter tops too.
Today is our anniversary- 4 years married. I met Andy in 1998 so I guess this Fall will be 10 years of us being friends and then spouses.

On our wedding April 25, 2004. We got married at Hendricks Park in Eugene, Oregon.

On our honeymoon in Japan- At the Kyoto Hotel right after we were drenched from Typhoon #5 that hit and stranded us there overnight.

First anniversary we went back to the scene of the crime and decided to make the picture there a tradition.

Year 2- same place. Shorter hair for both of us.

Last year with one month old Bright.
Not sure where we will take our picture this year now that we are in New York.
My "monthly bill" has finally arrived after 14 months of nursing. He is down to three times a day. Can't say that not having it for almost 2 full years was a bad thing.... I know TMI...
Bright is napping and I am going to have some ice cream!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! YAY :) I'm sorry you're not here for your anniversary photo - perhaps you could do some fun photoshop editing. It was fun to see the photos from the previous years.
I am STILL laughing hysterically over your poo story - hopefully I'm laughing with you ;) And hopefully this laughing won't mean that I am doomed to experience it as well! I tell you I think about it now when I go to change the boy....
House hunting IS crazy-making - I'm sure you'll find just the right place when the time is right. Sounds like you have a nice little place to enjoy the summer.
Your "monthly bill" - tee hee - welcome back!!
14 months?! That's so unfair!
Jess is right, house hunting is crazy. Selling a house is even worse. So when you find your place, don't ever leave it. =)
Happy Anniversary! Returning to the same place every year...what a great idea! Cute pics.
14 months! That's so unfair!
Jess is right, house hunting is horrible. Selling your house is even worse, so take your time and find just what you want. I don't even want to imagine having to keep the house spotless and having people walk through whenever.
Happy Anniversary! The pictures are great. What a fun idea! Find a super fun place to go now - so that every year you have to go somewhere amazing. Like the Empire State Building. =)
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