Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Digging In the Dirt

First, some pictures and then some news...

I like this picture of Bright quite a bit. He looks a lot like his dad in this shot. Bright has been crazy about hats lately. He wants to wear them, he wants us to wear them... all day...

Bright had been having a streak of waking up at 5am ready for the day. Sometimes we could get him back to sleep, some times not. One morning Andy took him to walk him back down and I did not hear from either of them for 2 hours. I came out to the living room at 7am to find this sweet scene.

Bright loves to chew on his comb for some reason.

New toy from Uncle Justin and Aunt Sara. Thanks!!

New shirt from Aunt Tess (technically Great Aunt Tess, but she has always been great :) Thanks Tess- He looks so mature in this.

Today the weather was amazing!! Figures on the day that Mom and Dad go to St. John the weather would improve. Thanks guys!! We played outside for a long, long time. Another of Bright's hats.
We dug in the dirt, made mud pies and played with moss and other lawn gunk for about an hour, then did it all over again in the evening. Thank goodness for a baby with an attention span and a sense of curiosity. I predict great fun this spring and summer.

News? Not a lot. Still house hunting. Seen some real dogs lately and one really nice one that has a small kitchen and small bedrooms. Not great enough in our opinion. Bright is sleeping pretty well, although it is still a challenge to get him down. Who knows if it is teeth or over-stimulation from the day. Lately he has taken to falling asleep in either Andy or my arms with one of his hands down our shirt. Interesting and odd... that's his latest thing. He has been super chatty also- but in a really yelly kind of way. I think it's a hoot!

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