Monday, April 14, 2008

Big Boy Now

A bit of house cleaning here-Tonight we threw out the "emergency paci"- the two pacifiers that we had since Bright was itty bitty. He never used them for their intended purpose. Occasionally he would find them around the apartment and stick them in his mouth the wrong way and cruise around like that for a bit. He's better off never having picked up that habit. We also put away the mini co-sleeper tonight too. Bright slept in it maybe half a dozen times and really it had just served as more of a bed guard rail/baby catcher for the times when he was sleeping with us. Thankfully only one time did it serve its purpose when Andy was too zonked to know what was going on.... Anywhoo... Bright sleeps about 10 hours straight now (who would have ever thought that he would make it past three hours in a row) and all of them in the crib. Well, not all. Sometimes I want to take a nap during the day and we snuggle in my bed but he never sleeps as long there.

Not a lot new here. We had found one house to put an offer on but they family took it off the market yesterday. Dang! Back to the drawing board. We did some finger painting today. That was fun. I had picked up Bright from his nappy and he was mega-clingy/cry-y so I found a paint brush and got a bowl of water and let him paint on our coffee table (not an antique). He loved it. What a distraction for him! Splashed his hands in the water and then took off running with the bowl. He spilled what was left in and we went on to the finger painting. I taped up the paper in the shower figuring that if things went as well as the painting, it would be better to have him more confined. He was thrilled with the whole process! Each color brought out a new squeal from him and he kept looking at me to make sure that I actually was encouraging this. We hung his picture up on the window and he jabbered about it all through dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 'house cleaning'! Our room looks so strange without the cosleeper....strange but also strangely nice. :) And finger painting sounds like a blast!! (brilliant to do it in the shower...will have to remember that one!)