What a nice day we had here. It was about 80 degrees and we played and played. Bright was up at 5:30 this morning and did not go back down. We did get to see a terrific sunrise. He has been jammin' on Cinnamon Life cereal for breakfast lately- doesn't want anything to do with that grosso baby cereal after he got a taste of momma breakfast earlier this week. A few minutes of that stuff sitting in milk and it's nice a mushy. We let daddy sleep in a bit and then when he woke up he made us French Toast. Bright had a bunch of that too. His nap went off without a hitch at 9:00 and lasted an hour. Then on to shopping, stopped by grammy's office to interrupt her "billables" as we call them, then on to the library for preschool story time. He must have been sleepy still and almost crashed out in my arms there. Today was a special story time with a visit from a person dressed up as Maisy the mouse. He was not jazzed about that. Woman sitting next to me said "Your daughter is so beautiful." I said "Thanks, but he's a boy". She replies, "Well, he's pretty enough to be a girl." Hmm. Then on the way back home I passed a house for sale by owner right next to Andy's school. Did not get the number. Dang. Andy came home for lunch and I asked him to feed Bright while I popped out to get the number. This is what I came back to- I kid you not! Do you see the hair?? Apparently a nice mixture of peas mashed up, some mayonnaise and broccoli will get you a shark fin mohawk. Believe it or not we waited until 6:30 to give him his bath...

Then after lunch we played outside and checked out the docks they just put in at the lake. Still very creaky and mushy feeling- don't want to walk out any deeper than you'd want to fall in. Saw some fish and a crayfish/crawdad. Chucked rocks. Bright was in heaven!! Back inside we got a good drink nap started up and he slept for 2 and a half hours. I made deep dish pizzas- one good, the other like a pan of dough only (seen Top Chef this season? Just like that poor girl with the two inch thick crust. Oh well.) I didn't want to waste the extra dough so I just used it and well, Andy will eat mostly anything so it won't go to waste. Then on to see Grampy in the country where Bright saw a horse and buggy with a Mennonite family in it for the first time, lots of tractors and got to run in the big yard without neighbors peeping at us. A great night!
Here is a picture of Bright wearing a bib sent to us by my undergraduate alma mater, Nazareth College.

Here is Bright checking out the now seasonally inappropriate snowflakes we had hanging from the lights in the dining room.
1 comment:
"Seasonally inappropriate snowflakes" made me laugh out loud! Too funny. By the way, isn't the 'faux hawk' super trendy right now? Move over Ryan Seacrest....Bright's hawk is waay cooler than yours! :)
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