Today Bright did not have his afternoon nap. All of us suffered at some level for this, even the cat. Something was bugging him. He was really, really clingy and fussy. Maybe it's the molars. In any event I tried everything to get him to sleep and nothing worked- just made him cry. Andy came home a few minutes early and Bright was back to his cheerful self. Hmmm.... Now he's in bed for the night- thank you Andy for putting him down. And we are all on the couch trying to unwind from the day- even the cat.
Andy doesn't think that the cat gets enough (or any, for that matter) mention in my blog, so that's why I have posted the pictures. Tibby (originally Isabelle when we got her from Greenhill) has been with us for 6 years. She is a real piece of work. Moody, playful, unpredictable at best. She has however become Bright's best friend. We refer to her as Kee-kitty for some reason and Bright loves her to pieces. If there's a supreme meltdown in progress one mention of the cat is all it takes to start bringing him down. At first Tibby would run from Bright but now she sticks around and if one of us is holding her, Bright will come up to her and put his head down on her and just stay there all snuggled up in her fur for as long as Tibby will tolerate it. She doesn't seem to mind when he chases her- it may be the only action she gets these days. She a trooper though- rode on 4 planes to get to NY, took a taxi in Oregon, and then an hour in the car to get to my folks place. Yeowled the WHOLE way from 4 am to 1 am that trip. The "triple fish flavored" valium didn't do very much for her. Never again- we promise. Here's to hoping we have many, many years with that cranky, fishy breath, bed hogging old girl!