Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday we planted flowers at Grammy and Grampy's. Bright took a face plant into the geraniums there but didn't seem phased by the mouthful of dirt that he ate. Total boy. We bought some more plants for our garden space here and I went completely overboard with cramming things into our little plot. Andy swears nothing will produce anything to eat, but we'll see. I have great memories of our community garden plot at the Matthews Garden site by Westmoreland that we had for three years. We used to grow all kinds of things- corn, strawberries, beans, zucchini, squash, peppers, carrots, tomatoes- heirlooms, cherry, and yellows. Our last year there Andy did all of the work since I had such bad morning sickness and the smell of the dirt and plants made me sick. Here in NY we have tomatoes, broccoli, oregano, basil, zucchini, and leeks growing.

Bright slept great last night.From 7-6am, with only 2 brief wakeups right after we put him down. This morning we went to Walmart about a half hour from here. I used to have such ethical issues with that store but things change- when you have one income and no other shopping places nearby, Walmart starts to look okay. When I say no other shopping options, I mean it. If you want new underwear in Penn Yan, you are SOL. The mall is an hour away.

Today we are all home nursing our colds in various stages. Andy has it now which means by main backup is not going to be as strong today. Fortunately Bright fell asleep in the car on the way home from shopping so that nap put down was a piece of cake. Mmmm, cake... :)

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