Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Wow- we have really been smacked with the "not sleeping" stick here. I can't even begin to describe our last couple of days- mainly because the sleep deprivation has blessedly caused me to forget them. Ol' Chuffy has been waking up multiple times and staying up, not napping, or napping only 45 minutes a day. He has been clingy, and wow, downright naughty at times. By naughty I guess I mean adventurous in a dangerous kind of way by trying to climb up the shelves on a desk, tipping over chairs on top of himself, climbing onto chairs and then standing up, climbing on the futon and then walking across it, trying to climb from the futon to the top of the filing cabinet with eyes on getting to the windowsill, and generally biting everything in his path when he is told no or redirected. Teething, you say? Probably but this has been an agonizingly slow, drawn out process if that is the case. My mistakes have been in trying to regroup after a long day by staying up to watch my shows like Top Chef, Work Out or the guilty pleasure of wasting time by watching The Hills. This puts we wake until 11pm and when the nighttime follies begin at 2 am and last until 4 am, I am wrecked the next day.

How many days until Andy is done for the summer? Too many. He says he is beginning to dread the double ring of his office phone, knowing that it will likely be me calling to say Bright hasn't taken his nap yet again and we really need to do something about this, blah blah blah. Not too much he can do about it though.

I went to a meeting last night- a volunteer thing for the United Way. People went around and introduced themselves and said where they worked. I felt totally lame when my turn came and I said "Rachael, Stay At Home Mom". Everyone just cooed about how noble that was and how unusual it is these days and how they wished that they could have done it. Of course my ever skeptical side was thinking "They think I have never done anything with myself". Although I may have had more education than most of them there. Really after yesterday and today I find myself thinking it would be really nice to have a job and get some space every now and then. Bright would probably love the kids at daycare. Now, I just need to find a place that will carry my 24 pound bundle of joy to sleep twice a day. Oh, and maybe a job too.

On a more positive note, Bright continues to work on saying things, although you really have to know the context because there are still lots of substitutions. He is crazy about trucks- and says "Uck, uck" at EVERY one that he sees or hears. Our previous sessions of labeling things have caused him to say "Dat!" and point to anything that he sees and wants to know the name of. He said "Pancake" with many substitutions two days ago. too. Bright has been giving nice kisses over the last couple of days and was quite pleased with himself when he figured out how to do them with a smooch sound afterwards. Obviously the lack of sleep isn't really bothering him too much.


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when you said you stay up and watch the Hills. I literally watched 5 minutes of it once and immediately called a friend who I knew watched it to find out about some relationship dynamics that confused and yet strangely intrigued me.

I'm sorry about the sleep thing...maybe he's going through a developmental change (?) I was bouncing Justin this morning before his nap and thinking 'what if daycare doesn't have a yoga ball to bounce him to 'drowsiness'? and THEN thought that they probably have dealt with kids 'stuck' on props and are pro's at it (plus our kids might accept a change if someone else tries it, since they already know how to work us! ;). But it's still worrisome...I hear ya (and for the record I worry about daycare every day nonetheless!) :0

C said...

I know exactly what you mean about needing some space every once in a while- and I've been one to look with envy upon all of my old college friends who are now out playing the role of sophisticated career women, ... but I've come to realize, as the kiddos grow and change each day, we only get one precious chance to experience all of this and I couldn't and wouldn't trade if for the WORLD!
You're exactly where your little Brighty needs you to be right now!
So don't feel lame or any less than noble. You have no idea what an incredible impact you have on the world by the little things you do each day.

Anonymous said...

hey there :) sorry about the lack of sleep - it can really do you in! It's 10:30pm right now and I should definitely be sleeping instead of reading blogs and watching House Hunters....oh well! We've been in a fussy period lately and just a couple days ago I found a new tooth - I'm putting my money on that for you Hang in there, and btw - anytime you need me to vouch for you, I can inform people that you are a SPECTACULAR Speech/Language specialist. I think your current job is 100 times more difficult and I admire what you are doing :)

Jenn said...

The Hills = Awesome

Have been watching since Laguna Beach. Love it.