Friday, May 23, 2008

Rethinking the day

Now that we understand that Bright doesn't need two naps a day it has made us rethink how we will structure our days. Mornings will still be pretty chill around here. He is pooped a few hours after waking up and goes down pretty easy for that nap. Afternoons now mean trips! Yay! Today we went to Canandaigua to run an errand for my mom and there was no worrying that he would meltdown from not having his nap. He did just fine in the car. A little fussy but only because all he did was ride along and get corralled in stores. We were able to get a lot of things done today now that Andy is done with teaching. Five loads of laundry (2 weeks worth!), dusting, playing with Bright, trips out, visiting Matty with pneumonia at Mom and Dad's, gardening, more chasing after Bright, and some grownup time after he finally fell asleep. Honestly he is wiped out by 6:30, falls asleep nursing and will sleep through the night without a peep most night, waking up to start his day by 6am. That is okay with me- it gives Andy and I a huge break and time to ourselves each night and by 4:30am the dang birds outside our window are so darn loud it's hard to sleep late even if you wanted to. I just need to make sure I get some downtime during his morning nappy so I can last as long as he does :)

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