We had a nice relaxing Saturday of sorts here. I had invited one of Andy's friends from U of O, now living in Pittsburgh, to come for a surprise visit for Andy's birthday. He was a Halloween baby. Can you imagine anything better than always being able to dress up and eat candy on your birthday?! Anyhow, I had been trying to get caught up on cleaning, getting the guest room all set, etc, without letting on that we were going to have company. But as anyone with a baby knows, it takes forever to get the simplest things done sometimes and I realized he would be happy knowing that his friend was coming, and I could get some help with the chores if I just told him. So, in true Rachael fashion, I cracked and told him the secret. So, we got the house ready and then his friend called to say he was sick so he would not be coming after all. That's okay. The house is clean which always makes me feel happy and more relaxed.
Back to the lesson learned part- we had let Bright eat Cheerios, cut in halves lately. He barely chews them and we have found that out by seeing them in his poo diapers the next day. Ick. We also let him eat a cracker, as recommended by the nurse at the dr.'s office. Today, we did Cherrios and cracker again. Same barely chewing of the Cheerios. This time he ate the cracker with more force instead of gumming it. He was able to break it in half and choke on a chunk in no time. Like really choke, sweep the mouth with finger kind of choke. I thought my heart would not stop pounding. He was all right after I got it out, but no more crackers for him for a while. Lesson learned? Take a First Aid/CPR class if you have not already. You will probably need to use it at some point, even if you think you never will.
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