Tonight we had some fun! Bright has been crawling around the apartment making chewing faces for a while now and tonight we decided it was time to let him give his chompers a whirl. I called the pediatrician's office to check and see what was okay to try and then we headed to the store. Bright had some cheerios- in halves and slightly moist- given to him. Normally he will take just about anything and put it in his mouth, but not this time. So, I fed it to him and he, thankfully, chewed it. ( I have this fear of him choking on something ) We gave him a couple of more and then moved on to try saltines- sans the salt on top ( I did not know that you can buy them that way or that it was possible for that cracker to be even blander than they regularly are ). He held on to it and sucked and gummed it for a while. Then he used his bottom teeth to scrape off some of it. He made a fun face when he got that into his mouth. Nice job for a first timer. Then we tried some mashed but not pureed banana- a huge hit!
Overall a pretty good day. It has been just fabulous weather here lately so we have spent lots of time outside by the lake. Today we sat outside and chatted with the neighbors for quite a while. I think that Bright's newfound independence/mobility has added to his already junky napping habits. He really does not want to quit even when he is pooped.
On other news, for the first time since Bright was born, Andy and I had some time to ourselves! My mom and dad came and stayed with Bright while we went for a walk and spent some time working with Uncle Dave's GPS. We are hoping to try some geocaching soon and you need to use a GPS for it. We had a great time, but it was hard to leave Bright at first. He seemed to do just fine, and mom and dad were still jolly when we came back.
Back to the stinkin' dentist tomorrow night for round 3. At what point do you just ask for your money back?! Jeez. Any way- here are pictures for the last two days. Enjoy!
1 comment:
Thanks for the comment on our blog...I read yours too! Bright is so big and SO CUTE. Thanks for the book recommendation!
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