Andy took this picture while I was away at the dentist for Round Two. I think that there will have to be a Round Three because my chompers still hurt... Ugh.
Today's big fun around the house has been playing with boxes- cereal boxes and packages from UPS. When I knocked out the box of Marshmallow Treasures this morning, I gave Bright the box to play with to see what he would do. He played with this for about 10 minutes. Then the UPS man delivered some comic books and we gave Bright that box. He was thrilled, especially when Andy put him in the box and pushed him around the house.
This was a really full day! Bright was up at 6:00 and then back down for a nap at 6:45. We went to the story time at the Library, but first stopped to drop off some flyers for the Supper Club. Then we went home for lunch, napped and went to town to drop off more flyers, saw Grandma, went back home, and played with one of the downstairs girls. Now that Bright is so much bigger, we put him into the baby backpack for walks. He loves it! He must not feel like hi is strapped into yet another seat when he is in it. So tonight we took him for a walk by the lake and he crashed out in it. He is in his crib and it's 6:45pm. Wow!
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