Monday, August 27, 2007

sweets for the sweet

Is it possible that the chocolate cream filling in a Dunkin' Donut Chocolate Creme is really just Duncan Hines or Betty Crocker frosting whipped up? If so, I think I ate half a can's worth yesterday. Ugh!

So today I would have been starting back to work if we still lived in Oregon. Instead, Andy is teaching his first college class! Hurray!

I miss the excitement of back-to-school time- new clothes, new kids, always trying to find a way to make the caseload more manageable.

Out here my days are filled with activity in 2 to 3 hour increments. For example, Bright wakes up at 6:45, eats, plays until 8:30ish, then needs a nap. This cycle continues pretty much all day. Taking him out to town can be a challenge when you have to drive alone with him in the car. Some trips go very well, others are nightmares. Sometimes I can get things done while he is sleeping, other times we just nap together. There is no Birth to 3 program out here and the tiny program that they do offer leaves a lot to be desired. Even the library is lacking in the area of great children's books. Those of you in bigger cities should be thankful for all of the resources out there.

Well, Bright is waking up. On to round 2 in the marathon of my day! His sleepy smile is so worth it though.

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