Here is a picture of Kyle, Pam, Shay, Andy, Bright and myself right before we moved back to NY.
It's been almost a week of doing it on our own. Things are going pretty well, except for one trip to the doctor about a lump on baby's chest- possibly an insect bite or an infection. Baby is asleep right now next to me on the bed. We are still co-sleeping, a point of great debate within our household. I would like more sleep, daddy likes baby in our bed, baby won't sleep in crib anyways... So during the day I am putting him in the crib for play time and chore times, we'll see if he gets more used to it.
Next week would have been my back to work start date. Strange to not be thinking about schedules and students this year. Everyone keeps offering me suggestions of where I could work and how to get a job here, even though I thought I was clear when I said I was going to be an At Home Mom... I can't imagine anyone being able to soothe him like I have been able to do now that his teeth have come in. That was pretty draining and frustrating for both of us, hopefully the worst is behind us, until the next ones come in.
Baby has been eating the occasional bit of rice cereal lately. This is fun and messy. Definitely does not help him sleep better at night though. Daddy loves being able to participate in this process so that is part of their quality time. Plus, he does not mind getting messy- seems to like it as much as the baby.
We start infant-parent swim time next week. Scary to think of dragging out a bathing suit for public display. I still have 10 pounds of baby weight to get rid of, even after almost 6 months. I am really excited about swim time though. The pool is right near our house, we'll probably wak there. Since we live right on the lake, the sooner we can teach him about water and being safe- the better off we'll be.
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