Today if the first day of full time stay at home mom status since Bright was born in March. Up until now both of us were home with him all day most of the time. Occasionally one of us needed to go out to a meeting, but those never lasted very long. From here on out Bright and I will be a team, getting to know each other on a full time, all day long basis. I think we are off to a great start- he slept for five hours straight last night and then the rest of the night if he squirmed around I was able to get him back to deep sleep without any trouble at all. There are definitely some major benefits of sharing a bed as a family. No need to get up and walk down the hall to feed your baby- he's right there. Neither one of us needs to be fully awake to accomplish the job! There are some drawbacks to it also, don't get me wrong. I would say that the biggest drawback is having to listen to others comment on how the baby will never learn to sleep in a crib on his own if we don't just put him in there and let him cry it out. I cannot even imagine being able to harden your heart enough to do that. And I cannot imagine what our baby would think if we loved him up all day long, and then arbitrarily decided that we would no longer help him out once 8:00pm rolls around. Wish us luck and we'll report our successes tomorrow.
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