Wednesday, September 5, 2007

who knew

Well, it is 2:45 am and I am up with the baby again. He has not been sleeping very well. Right now he is happily playing on the floor. It is really difficult to be with him and "on" all day and also to have to be "on" at night too. Andy can't do it- he has to teach all day tomorrow. Seems as though this job is infinitely harder than when I was working with 70 kids on my caseload- and there is no boss telling you that you are doing it right or not. Sometimes I question the choice to be the At Home parent, especially at times like these. Daycare might have its benefits for him, he would get used to being with other people. As it stands right now he is is almost 6 months old and never been with a babysitter. Or this may be the perfect arrangement and the benefits for him just won't been seen for years to come....

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