Sunday, September 23, 2007

Where did the weekend go?

Well, I made the grape pie the other day- and we ate the whole thing in a day and a half. Apparently Andy has decided that grape pie is not so bad after all which meant less for me. Rats! This weekend we bought more shelves and put them up and finally unpacked our cds. I think that takes care of everything from our move. Bright has been up and down with his sleeping and has been a supreme fussypants this weekend. The top teeth are working their way down and I think that is the cause. Poor lil' guy wants to be held all the time, which is rough but we did our best to distract him when we had to put him down. He is working on getting his buns up in the air while pushing up on his arms. He was able to do this several times tonight followed by lots of grunting and squealing. This coming Sunday he will get Baptized at 9:30 mass, right smack in the middle of his usual fussy time before a nap. Wish us luck!

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