Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Grapes of Wrath

Today was full of ups and downs. I had been planning for two weeks to attend a La Leche League meeting in town and was excited about going. They are only held on the third Wednesday of the month so I knew if I missed it I would have to wait a long time for the next one to roll around. So while I was excited and trying to not look like the frazzled mom I am, Bright was fussy and just wanted to nap. Why they hold meetings at 10:00, prime napping time, is beyond me. The car ride was brutal. Bright cried and cried, I was less than patient. Enough said. We got there and were the only ones there other than the leader. Oh well, we chatted and chatted and when it was time to home Bright fell asleep in the car. He took a great nap when we got back. I did learn a few things at the meeting. A: we are not the only family here that co-sleeps (although we do it less and less), B: Bright is sleeping like a typical breastfed baby and C: if you want good children's books, go to the Branchport library. Branchport is about three miles from us and if you blink you will miss it but they have a new library there and it has better books than the one here in town. Yahoo!! We went this evening and loaded up on board books and DVDs. Bright really loves storytime at home and will sit and watch the pages for about 15 minutes. He has some definite favorites- Baby Panda Learn ABC with Me is his all time favorite and we keep it in the car for solving all meltdowns there. He also likes Runaway Bunny, Pat the Bunny, Tumble Me Tumbily, The Bear Snores On, and Goodnight Moon. We have a pretty decent collection here at home and make sure we do storytime every day.

The past week or so I have been smelling grapes in the air every night. At first I thought it was someone's laundry detergent or something they were cooking. Then I realized that it is all of the grapes in the vineyards around us. There apparently so many vineyards here that this country grows the most grapes east of the Rocky Mountains. We need to go get a grape pie- if you have never had one they taste a lot like just eating jelly with a crust thrown in for good measure. I love sweets so it's right up my alley. Andy does not.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Ghooooost Rideerrrr!