Bright's recent success in the crib was short lived. He has been only able to do a few hours at a time now and when he wakes up I just bring him to bed with me- it's the easier, but lazier way out. Of course once he is there he thinks the all night boob bar is open for business and wakes up to eat many times during the night. We'll keep trying though.
Last night was the Ring of Fire around the lake- at nightfall people put out several flares on their property by the beach and burn bonfires. It looks like the whole lake is lit up. Someone told me it was in celebration of the Indian Thanksgiving. Sounds suspicious to me. I will need to look into that. It was really nice though- chilly out so I brought hot chocolate with me and stood by the fire to warm my buns :)
Today was the apartment complex picnic. Andy went to Buffalo for his brother's engagement party. Brighty and I stayed home- he's not up to such a long trip in the car yet. My mom came for a nice visit and Bright was great the whole time. Andy brought home a huge piece of cake for me-Yahoo!! I love sweets! So much for losing 5 pounds by October 5... Tomorrow we start Baby Swim class. Just getting into my suit should shame me back into control again.
Is there a cover charge for the all night boob bar?
i think i've been to a boob bar 1x,,it wasn't all its cracked up to be. LOL
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