We have been busy here. Colds going around. First me, then Andy and now Bright. Playdate continued as planned, flu shot postponed (perhaps permanently...), last minute playdate canceled due to cold, grape picking session 1 a sucess, grape picking session 2 postponed due to rain, grape picking session 3 a tremendous success. we have frozen batches and batches of concords in various forms- goo for grape pie, skins for grape bread, grape bread itself- now sadly eaten and gone, pulp boiled and strained for making grapple sauce... Phew! Our first session got us 13 pounds in 15 minutes, the second time around we got 16 pounds. Grand total spent for those two trips- $9.
Today we watched a fabulous movie- Once. Check it out if you love music. The soundtrack is great- just burned it and now listening to it again while I type this. Emusic.com has an offer of 35 free songs with a 1 week trial.
We have been surfin' Netflix and really enjoying some of our finds lately. I am hooked on the Riches and Andy loves The Wire. We are working our way through those right now. Checked out the debates as they have been on- on one of the random cable stations that still comes in on the tv in the bedroom- neither one of them really answers any of the questions. Too bad we can't have an a la carte ticket.

First batch of grapes picked- 13 pounds for 4 dollars.

Andy washing and rinsing the grapes.

Showing Bright the baby snail that was attached to a grape.

Bright eating his fave- Organic wild blueberries-frozen. What a mess every time....

Bright shaving for the first time. I thought we would be able to put it off until he was at least 5...

Bright playing with the brussel sprout stalk from the Farmers' Market today.

Wearing Andy's jacket before he left for work.

Bright's new desk- hand me down from great neighbors who are moving away. :(

Bright seems to rarely be without his construction helmet these days- or Truction helmet as he calls it. A good thing given all the spills he takes ramming around now.
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