Friday, August 1, 2008


Canoe is one of the words that Bright can say now. He has been saying a batch of new single words lately- canoe, shoe, chair, table, spider, mama, milk, and GI Joe. Thankfully mama came before GI Joe, or my spirits would have really been crushed. Andy collects them and Bright is very fond of them right now. He calls them "guy" and loves to shriek out GI Joe at random moments. Tonight Grammy and Grampy came and took Bright out for ice cream and play time at the park near the lake. Andy and I used that time to take the canoe out for a spin again. Good exercise and we got really sweaty just from wearing the life jackets- neither of us is a particularly strong swimmer so we don't mess around with the canoe and always wear the jackets. Party with pals tomorrow on the lake. Mama's tired and going to bed.....

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