Bright and his Rice Krispie beard.
So, last night #2 of the formu-lak experiment. We put him down at 7:45 and he slept until 8:30, when Andy flushed the toilet... Then again until 10:00 when I took him into bed. He slept straight through until 5:00 and woke up for a feeding and slept again until 6:30ish- at which time he was completely soaked through. Oops! Who knew that diapers couldn't go almost 12 hours? Anyway... we are trying it again tonight, without much hope for a repeat. He did not drink as much tonight so we'll see... Teeth definitely not bothering him as much today and the one on the bottom has popped out so that must be better for him. That brings the count up to 7 chompers for him.
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