It seems as though life has become much busier now that Andy has gone back to work. I didn't think that could be possible since we had been really bouncing around all summer long but now that Bright and I are on our own again we seem to fill our days up pretty fast. A day with a toddler full time is a challenge in itself. A teething toddler adds another layer, and then a talking element just boosts the craziness level. I cannot get over how much fun Bright is right now. Four weeks ago I was worried that he was not learning to talk in the appropriate time frame. Then four nights ago we hear him say "Combine... wheat... bread" at the dinner table, from one of his books. He has been stringing three words together quite well in the last few days. It all started with the party at Mom and Dad's place when Kyle, Pam and Shay were here. Andy and Bright were picking apples off the apple tree and throwing them into the corn field when they came across a really buggy one. Bright kept saying " Bug... Apple" for days to follow. He must have figured out that when he says stuff like that that we will talk to him about it and we understand him so he wants to say more and more. Child development in action is pretty cool.

Now with tooth #17 coming in Bright can eat lots of things like grownups do.

Bright loves the lake and will go in whenever we are will to brave the now chilly waters. This is the beach at our place. (Thanks for the pic Pam)

We went back to the museum of play with Kyle and Pam and Shay right before they left. Bright had a great time in spite of his runny eye that day.
I think I will be posting once a week or so from now on. Keeping up with Bright has been an amazing task lately and at night I just want to relax. Tonight Andy and I watched Darjeeling Limited for Movie Night. I give it a 10. Must has struck just the right chord in me at the right time. Makes me doubly sure that I want to take the train across country in a few months!
1 comment:
I just changed my work computer background to the corn eating picture :)
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