Saturday, September 27, 2008

Where did he go?

Since we have returned from camping Bright has been not his usual carefree, happy go lucky self. he has been replaced by "Angry Boy". With mood changes too frequent to count, and crying jags that tear your heart out- not to mention drive you bonkers because they happen over the seemingly silliest of reasons, our past week has been terrible. We have had our first down on the floor temper tantrums with arms and legs flailing and screams to wake the dead. Sometimes you can shift his mood by offering an alternative or just letting him go while you walk away. Other times his tantrum just follows you, too upset to be away from his source of frustration which also is his source of comfort. His spiritedness has increased ten fold as he bounces from forbidden thing to forbidden thing in the apartment, even when they are way out of reach. He climbs, jumps, chews on (always a favorite...) everything. Yes, I am sure it's mainly teeth- all of his molars have come through but are not out entirely, and his bottom eye teeth are coming through too, but some of it is just a behavioral phase. You can see it in his eyes as he screams out, "Climbing..., get down" while climbing onto the coffee table, as warning of sorts that he is up to no good, while also reminding himself that he isn't supposed to be up there. This too shall pass, right? The part I dislike the most is not living in a house, but in an apartment. Sure we have more yard and open space than most people have for their house, and the lake out back is great, but sometimes, when your kid is older he needs to run outside and not have to worry about a parking lot, or people watching him, or me worry about what the neighbors will think when he truly deserves to be hollered at... ugh. So, staying home with him has its pluses but the lack of a second income and the things it allows you to do is never far from my mind on days like today.

Oh, and I got bit by a damn alpaca at Alpaca Days celebration. That was just the icing on the cake. Tomorrow will be better. It has to be.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Tomorrow will be better ... at the very least, you won't be bit by another alpaca. (Which, I apologize, made me giggle.) Have you thought about putting B in a preschool class 1 or 2 mornings? My cousin just enrolled her 2 and is so happy she did. One morning was all she was ready to have them away and it's just what they needed also. Hang in there --