This morning I took Bright to church. I had been meaning to start doing that when he was littler but things frequently got in the way- naps, teething, tired mom, etc. Brian and Katie get married next month and we don't want to miss it, or to make a spectacle of ourselves during the ceremony so I figured it was high time to get him used to an hour of quiet play in a small area- much like riding on a plane, or not at all depending on your view. So we were lucky enough to spot Grammy on the way in and took a spot up front so there was lots to see. We were also blocked in by a boy in a wheelchair so there was very little chance of escape (for either of us) without making a fuss. He did fine. Just a few toys went awol, and there was no crying, or serious fussing. Next time I'll bring snacks too.
Here's some pictures of the past few days...

Andy and Bright with one of Andy's GI Joe vehicles from his youth.

Bright taking the coolness out of the vehicle by having Mickey Mouse and Tigger, and possibly Noah and the Crossing Guard manning the ship.

Bright and I reading Nuts to You!!

Funny how just the right camera angle and poor posturecan make you look much chubbier than you really are... (Me, not Brighty :) )
Off to Ithaca today to meet up with Jaimie before she leaves on another trek to Israel for two weeks. Maybe some munching at Moosewood or a Thai/Indian place, shopping in the Commons, and a dip in Buttermilk Falls. Pictures to come, if we don't forget...

This is me and Jaimie on our trip to Seattle two years ago, on a side trip to Mt. St. Helen's, right after I found out I was pregnant, and cut my hair...Jaimie and I worked at the Rochester School for the Deaf for a few years together and swapped classes mid year one year to help better meet our skill levels. Thank you Jaimie! We are very similar in our tastes and ideals and I love hanging out with her. Thankfully she lives only an hour away now!
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