Tomorrow I lead the Lap Sit Group for the first time. I think I am ready but with a group that ranges from 0-3, who knows what will happen. Thankfully they are supposed to be supervised by a grownup during the stories and songs.
I have been a little distracted this week. On Monday I learned that a guy I went to school with was killed in a tragic bus accident in Washington DC. We used to ride the same bus to school from middle school through highschool and went to the same church. He was a really goofy, great kids with a terrific smile. Seems like such a loss for the world. Calling hours were today, funeral tomorrow which I will skip because of lap sit. Funny how you can not think about someone for 15 years and then all of a sudden you can't get them off your mind. This has made us become more anxious to finish our wills, health care proxy, etc. None of it is pleasant to think about but it has to be done. Become an organ donor if you can. A girl from my high school class receive a double lung/ heart transplant a little while ago and has gotten a chance to live a better life. I believe that Mike's organs were donated and he will gone on in others through his generosity.
Other less depressing news... Out cherry picking again, learning to do some interesting gymnastics,playing independently for 20 minutes with his Little People figures, play date with Madelyn was fun- the kids are really starting to be interested in what the other is doing or has in their hands. Not a lot of sharing going on, but no battles either. A few words popping up here and there- canoe, color, eye, ear, bra, cat, hat, truck, broccoli, zucchini- all with substitutions- are his words right now. No sign of him saying Mommy yet, expect for those two flukes a long time ago. Daddy is loud and clear though.
Hailstorms yesterday messed up our car roof and hood. Way more hail than I have ever seen and some the size of quarters. Enough that it looked like snow and stayed on the ground for an hour, even when it had been in the upper 80's earlier in the day. Our garden was ruined which breaks my heart. The zucchini was shredded and the tomatoes have cracks and holes in them. Sigh. Lots more rain forecast for the rest of the week.
Canceled all forms for cable tv today and gave back the DVR. Yikes! There has been nothing on that we have really liked or felt good about watching, other than some Discovery HD stuff like Sunrise Earth. Too much reality tv makes me crazy and the CSI junk is too much like real life that I don't find it entertaining, so why waste the 90 bucks? We can't get any network reception in our apartment but we don't even watch that stuff, so our Netflix has been reactivated and we have the Bourne Ultimatum and Waitress are here, waiting for a free minute, which I think I will start now!
Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow.