Okay, everyone has them. Think about it. What stuff do you love, but are reluctant to admit to the rest of the world? We all have them, those little secrets. Here are some of mine...
1. Sugar- Any and all of it! Yes, I am a true addict. How do I know it? Well, when you think about sweet stuff throughout the course of your day, think about it when you are in line at the grocery store, or even just driving by a convenience store, have eaten it and hidden the wrappers, or been asked to share with your loved one and given them wayyy less than a proper amount hoping that they wouldn't notice, you have a problem. Way back in the day I could not get enough sweet and sour candy. Nerds were my thing. Growing up there was a store in town that sold probably 10 different flavors of nerds for 50 cents a box. That's where it all started. Now days I think fondly of those flavors and wonder why you can only buy grape, cherry, lemon/lime and apple, or the rainbow box. One Christmas several years ago, I found five boxes of the jumbo Rainbow packs under the tree. How long do you think they last? I am too embarrassed to admit it. Needless to say there are serious repercussions for such a love of the sweets. The dentist is putting his kid through college solely on my business.
In Oregon a few years back

2. Crappy Reality TV shows. Man, oh man. Bravo must write the junk just for me. Top Chef, Work Out, Step it Up and Dance, Project Runway. I lose really significant chunks of precious sleeping time each week to this stuff. I mean, who can even believe that Lisa is still in the running on Top Chef?! She has such a lousy attitude and just has a mean face. Ugh! And somehow I got hooked on Work Out this season. Never even thought about it before but now I TiVo all of that junk. Please don't forget about the Hills. Heidi and Spencer? Lauren and Lo and Audrina? I love them all! How can you not get into a show that has been so successful and really been based solely on looks- the cast and their expressions. Jon and Kate +8? Also a great show- love the kids, hate the mom, as well as Little People, Big World. How many people out there have the courage to live like such slobs and have such bad parenting skills, and show that stuff to America?
3. Crappy Home Improvement Shows and Cooking Shows- Designed to Sell, Design on a Dime, Good Eats, Everyday Italian, Barefoot Contessa. Love them all- even though I have seen everyone at least four times a piece. The only one I cannot stand is Paula Deen. The day I saw her make a hamburger with seven pats of butter in it and then stick it between two doughnuts rather than use buns, I lost all respect for her. You know some wacko out there is making that stuff and eating it because they saw her do it on her show.
4. Men's Magazine- Maxim, Details, Blender, etc. Yup, they are sleazy and have semi-naked pictures of women on every cover but the articles inside are pretty decent. Good stuff on music and videogames, movies, pop culture etc. And usually not a single ad with an anorexic model to be found.
5. Celebrity Gossip. This I find to be the most embarrassing one, but the hardest one to shake. Everyday I wake up, read people's blogs and then head to the gossip pages to see what happened overnight. I used to take huge stacks of magazines like People and Us Weekly to my station at the gym where I worked out and would hole up on the bike for way more than my 30 minutes so I could see what Nicole Richie wasn't eating that week. Now it's not so bad really. I don't think that I am obsessed, just really curious about how people can live such insanely different lives from me. Fortunately my husband will humor me and listen to my rants about celebrity society today.
6. Cooking Stories- Somewhere along the way from loving the Food Network, I came to realize that you can get amazing stories about people and family and food at the bookstore. Not cookbooks- but more like cooking narratives. That obsession started off slow and then just snowballed. I have way more books than I need but cannot bring myself to trade-in or give away a single one. In the days before Bright, I could polish off a paperback in a weekend. Now it takes me a month but I still do it. Right now I am working on The Tenth Muse.
Well, that is all I am admitting to right now. You probably know more than you need to. Don't hold it against me.