It is still cold as all get out here- the boys decided it was cold enough to zip back on their faux fur collars for a little added protection from the biting winds. Bright now has a full-fledged cold- possibly the first ever. He has had a sniffle or two in the past that lasted only a day- this is a full on cold. Two nights ago he would only sleep laying on my chest with me sitting upright- all night- because he was so congested. Last night he was just all out fussy all night long. His nose is running constantly and he has a cough. Now, if only I could teach him to blow his nose, or let me wipe it without a battle! Upside to things? He napped for three and a half hours yesterday and was in a great mood until nighttime. Down side? Probably will have to cancel playdate today with cousin Madelyn. Rats!
New skills? sneaking in between furniture and getting stuck, sticking head in between slats on the back of dining chairs and getting stuck, somewhat like the kid that gets his head caught in the staircase, chasing the cat while saying "tat, tat, tat", and as per usual, not sleeping well.
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