Today was full of ups and downs. Bright only took a half hour nap with me this morning and was pulling at his ears for much of the day. He was pretty good through most of his afternoon playdate and then tried to whack Madelyn in the head with a tupperware bowl. Andy thinks he was trying to put it on her head like the two of them do when they play "Commander Colander and Corporal BowlHead" in the kitchen. Hmmm.. Back to the doc's tomorrow to investigate this ear situation. We'll be seeing her again in a week and a half for his one year but I don' t think we should wait that long. Perhaps we will get the green light for eating eggs and drinking milk while we are there- that would be great. French toast for breakfast with a side of whole milk! He'll be the only one drinking whole milk in this house. I prefer my milk to be as skim as it gets and Andy won't drink the cow. Interesting how the doctors push the cow milk on you as soon as the babes turn this magical number of a year old- suddenly all things previously forbidden are fair game- milk, eggs, honey, etc.
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