I cannot get over how quickly the Christmas holiday snuck up on me this year. It seems like it was just Thanksgiving a few weeks ago and now it is New Years Day (Happy Birthday Shay!!- How did you get to be five years old already?!) We did lots of visiting with family from near and far, took Bright to Family Mass, which was mobbed but we survived it, and opened more presents than a family should ever get. I don't think we had too much snow on Christmas Day, definitely before it though and again yesterday and today. We need to buy a sled for Bright. He loved riding in the one at the Christmas Tree Farm, and Grammy and Grampy have one but we should have one here- if only we had the space for it... the house hunt continues at the speed of molasses. Plans for the new year include "Less"- less worry, less spending, less eating, less stress. Here are some pix from a present to Bright from Shay- his first doctor kit.

Bright, with the beaver- an unsuspecting victim.

The beaver having his teeth checked out. Looks good there. Next?

The beaver getting his nasal passages cleared out, just like when Bright was a baby. Strangely enough the beaver didn't put up much of a fight, unlike Bright....

"Poor beaver, got a sick bug. Need some medicine.", said by Dr. Bright as he administered multiple doses of tyle-ies, as he calls it.

Getting out a sliver...

An unknown procedure here...

Followed by a blood pressure check. A-ok!
The beaver survived to tell the tale, watch out Baptism Bear. I hear you're next!
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