Tuesday, March 4, 2008

No News is Good News

Nothing to report here. Bright didn't sleep that great last night but he made up for it in naps today- I think about 3 and a 1/4 hours all together. We are waiting on an ice storm tonght- had to make a last minute dash to the market for diapers before the rain came. I can hear the ice pinging on the windows now. This afternoon I saw that Brett Favre had retired and I immediately though of Jess out in Oregon who loved him and the Packers. I checked her blog and she had a post about his retirement. How funny- I remember trying every year to keep my speech kids from taking her Brett Favre football card from the window ledge near her desk in the speech/psychologist room at Meadowlark.


Andy said...

Our Favre,
Who art in Lambeau,
Hallowed be thine arm.
The bowl will come,
It will be won.
In (insert Superbowl city here) as it is in Lambeau.
And give us this Sunday,
Our weekly win.
And give us many touchdown passes.
But do not let others pass against us.
Lead us not into frustration,
But deliver us to (Superbowl City).
For thine is the MVP, the best of the NFC,
and the glory of the Cheeseheads,
now and forever.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh....I appreciate your thoughts during this difficult time :) I was shocked!! I haven't heard the Our Favre prayer (if you can believe it) so thanks for sharing that too Andy. The card is still in my office - I suppose it just became a little more valuable huh?? so, so sad :(