Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hello Roseola!

Well, Little Bright has Roseola. A textbook case- high fever for several days, followed by a rash over trunk and arms, a bit on his neck and face too. Caused by a virus that is common in 6 months to 3 year olds. He's been a real sport though about it- waking up in a cold sweat sometimes but willing to sleep for a few more hours in our bed most nights. Couldn't see putting him back in his crib when his sheets were sweat soaked. Poor guy.

Here's some pictures to check out...

Look what came in the mail from Babies R Us

Bright and Poppa- chillin' on the couch sporting similar hairstyles

Bright- super excited to be out to play and running to....

The new tricycle our neighbors gave us. We get the BEST hand-me-downs from their granddaughter.

Bright- checking out the new fridge we got- Nakie style! Possibly trying to help himself to a Coke Zero...

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