Friday, May 9, 2008


I am beat. Yesterday was a nightmare here. Naps were the worst, clingy to mommy all day was at an all time high, I was cranky because the monthly friend is back again (what the heck- it was just here two weeks ago?!), the house looks like a bomb hit it because General Fussy-pants wouldn't give me a break to even try to pick up. I think my pending award for Mommy of The Year has been withdrawn. Shoot. So, any suggestions on how to get a baby that never just slept in his crib independently to start sleeping there independently? Carrying around a 24 pounder until he crashes out is killing my back. Letting him cry breaks my spirit (not to mention his). And we won't even ouch the issue of him constantly trying to put his hand down my shirt all day.... Who knew weaning would be such fun?

Perhaps a cheerier post later today if things improve...


Anonymous said...

hey there - I'm sorry it was a rough day :( I just dread those days when I have that 20-something lb. weight permanently attached to my leg! I'm sorry I don't have much for advice about the crib or weaning...but I do know it will get better and you're gonna make it!! I'll send some positive vibes your way and hope things are better :)

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry! I still don't understand the whole jekyl/hyde deal with these little guys....and virtually impossible to find the 'variable' that makes the difference. I have no advice on the naps.....I've heard that some people put a t-shirt or blanky that smells like mom, but that might be for little babies. Hopefully today will be better for you both...hang in there!

Jenn said...

Aside from letting him cry it out, I don't have much more advice. I talked with my pediatrician about it and he said that letting them cry is fine and that it will take an hour the first time or two and eventually get better from there. I haven't ever had to wait it out for an hour so I can't imagine what that must be like. My sister says that crying it out is so hard and that is probably why babies don't remember their first 2 years. =) Hang in there...Just remember that you're the Mom and know what's best for him. If napping in his crib is what you think is best, letting him cry is just the hurdle you have to cross to good sleep for everyone which is what you all need. Keep us posted!!!