Sunday, March 30, 2008

Yummmmmmy Sauce

Here at the Robak household, we have experienced several kicks in the pants over the past week. I will spare you the details but suffice it to say, when the going gets tough, Rachael gets to eating! Which may explain why I still have 10 pounds o' baby fat hanging on my midsection when the child is almost 13 months old. When the midwives said I was a little under weight to begin my pregnancy and said they'd let me gain an extra 5-10, I took it to heart and pushed it to 15. Oh well- still at 130 I must weigh less than most of America given the images I see on tv news about obesity. Andy and I often comment on how body image has changed ion tv in regards to how happily married couples look. On the sitcoms you see now days it apparently is the norm for the wife to nice and thin and well dressed, while married to a tubby dude with a baseball cap. I am not sure that this pairing would happen that often in the real world.

I will tell you that one of our kicks in the pants has been that our super sweet flat screen HD tv has crapped out on us after only 2 years of service. No, we did not get an extended warranty on it, our mistake. But come on, should you really have to buy something extra like that beacsue the company cannot make a product that lasts more than a year? Now days you can get the same tv at 2/3 of the price which is a whole other gipe, but back to the original gripe. The repair shop called to tell us that the cost would be, hang on here folks, $800 to replace the "main board" on it to make the sound work again. Wonderful. Who pays that for a repair on a tv?? Not to mention that this tv had issues early on with turning on and off by itself which was truly freaky. For the longest time I thought Andy would leave for school and forget to shut it off because it would be running when I came home from work, or that the cat had some how managed to regularly turn it on and off on her own, and in my own conspiracy theorist mind, that someone in our apartment complex must have the same tv and remote and was just messing with us. Anyhow- that got fixed with some software update covered under the warranty. Now this...great.
Dad suggested a potential fix to the problem or a way to get our sound work by routing it through our stereo which we will try once we make the hour trip to get it back. One of the many inconveniences of small town living.Hopefully it will solve the problem and we will keep it, or donate it to the Rochester School for the Deaf where I used to work. It works great with the captions and looks terrific, I am just tried from the past 3 weeks of reading all my shows.

On to good news!
Since leaving Eugene there are many things we miss about that town. Yumm sauce being one of them. A box shipped would be about $48 with overnight shipping and that is just crazy for 6 jars. So I looked on the internet and low and behold a recipe for Yumm sauce exists. It may not be 100 percent the real thing but close enough that we will stop whining about not having it anymore. Hot dog! Yumm bowls are on the menu here tonight! If you want the link let me know.

No new pictures- Bright's been a bit fussy, probably feeling the vibes off of our woes. Baby swim starts this week Thursday. Here's hoping that the gnarly Walmart bathing suit I bought doesn't dissolve in the pool!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am just now making my blog rounds.....the header picture of Bright is made me laugh out loud! He is so cute! And how cool you went to Moosewood....I suppose I knew it existed but it always seemed like a myth :)
