Monday, March 3, 2008

Unbelievable Day in Babyland

Just after first time with shoes outside- still wearing his jammies- and dad's hat.

His smile says it all!

Time to go in??!!

We had an amazing day here at the Robak house. It started at 5am when Bright woke up after sleeping for 9 straight hours. After all that sleep he was ready to start the day and we had a big day ahead of us but didn't even know it. Today it was supposed to be about 50 degrees and it actually got up to 60. Those of us living in the cold tundra don't squander these days foolishly. We went out for a walk to the post office after a two hour nappy, then watched some fool on the semi-frozen lake do some icefishing, then I set Bright down in the snow in his snowsuit and he cried.. Too cold on the feet that still aren't wearing shoes. So I explained to him all of the fun things we could do today if he would just try the shoes on and then we went in. Now over the last few days he has been getting his shoes and trying to put them on himself and if we tried to help him he would bail on us. Today I took his shoes when he was trying and with minimal fuss he let me put them on him. He started to cry but I quickly took him outside and put him down and he was off like a rocket. Then when Andy came dressed him up a little better and fussed only a little again and he loved it! You can tell from the smile on his face. Pure joy! What a milestone- first day with shoes on and walking outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a big boy!!! Love the pictures and what a fun time you must have had in the warm weather :) I think we might have a pair of shoes like that too....
I'm happy to hear that he got all that sleep in a row too - makes such a difference for everyone I'm sure.