Sunday, November 25, 2007

What's New?

The mastitis seems to have cleared. What a miserable thing though! Felt like I was kicked by a mule, and caught the flu without really having the flu. Missed a party, but still entertained Andy's family here at our place. Takes a lot of work to put on a happy face when you feel lousy but I know he was so happy to have them visit. There are some pictures here of his mom and grandma with Andy and Bright. That would be four generations of their family. Let's see what else have we been up to... Thanksgiving was great. I ate turkey for the first time in probably ten years. It was just as tasty as I remembered it. Then we went shopping on Friday after Thanksgiving. I was sure that the KB toys was open in Canadaigua, but after driving out there in 20 degree weather for 30 minutes, we found it replaced by some Great Clips hair salon- ugh. Saturday- Andy went grocery shopping and Bright and I played on our own. Then on to visit Bright's godparents at their new place in Canadaigua today. This morning as I was changing Bright I happened to notice that he was two more teeth that have popped through up top. So much for us being really on top of this new set- but to be fair, he had been fussy for a few days but nothing as bad as when the other two on the top came through. Our little guy has quite a cute gap tooth smile. Andy goes back to work tomorrow and I go back to our usual routine. He teaches for just a few more weeks before the school goes on extended break from Mid December until the beginning of February. With Pay-Yahoo!! We are trying to work a trip to New Zealand for January 2009- just before Bright turns 2, so he would fly for free. There are some great deals to be had on packages that include airfare and 7 or 12 day camper van rentals You fly in and drive around to where you want to be, and sleep in the camper van that has a kitchenette and bathroom. We have been wanting to do this for a long time. Our winter is their summer so the timing would be perfect. I just need to get past how much I hate flying, especially a long trip like that. Japan was bad enough, now this would add another 12 hours or so. Yuck! Planes are not my favorite mode of transportation. Maybe I could just get tranquilized like that guy on the A-team??


Anonymous said...

I happen to LOVE my Great Clips. They have some terrific gals.

Andy said...

I'll do my best to not look up chemicals I can use to knock you out. The best part about the A-Team was that they always used Mr. T's love of healthy old milk to drug him :)