Bright has been really chatty over the past few weeks. His vocabulary and sentence length are growing by leaps and bounds. A few days ago he counted to five at lunch and then this afternoon he counted to 10 while he was playing in his room. Okay, he missed the number nine, but still... Then to show it wasn't a fluke, he did it again this evening. Wow! I am impressed. It's not like we work on these skills directly either, just counting out loud when cooking or piling up blocks. He also gets it though books and DVDs too I guess. He likes letters and knows several now. He will sing out blocks of letters in the alphabet randomly throughout the day. QSR, NOP, that kind of thing. The other fun thing he can do is recognize his name in print.
Behaviorally we have entered the terrible twos a bit on the early side of things. Bright just turned 20 months last week and we have seen the signs creeping ever so slowly but now things are really getting rolling. To spare the details, suffice it say we have some very challenging days here and when it's nap time I do a little dance inside for my 2-3 hours of peace that come along with it.
Nothing else new to report. All are healthy here and I am heading to bed.